Presentation of TRR 141 Related Projects at Public Exhibitions
Presentation of TRR 141 related projects at public exhibitions:
J. Knippers & T. Speck: Guided tour at the opening oft he exhibition „PatentenNatur NaturPatente: Was Bionik der Umwelt bringt“ – Presentation oft he new exhibition parts showing TRR 141 projects. – Treffpunkt Baden-Württemberg – Umweltministerium BW, Landesgartenschau 2017 Bad Herrenalb (24.05.2017)
„PatenteNatur NaturPatente – Was Bionik der Umwelt bringt“ Public touring exhibition on Biomimetics of the Ministry of Environment Climate and Energy Industry Baden Wurttemberg (Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft des Landes Baden-Württemberg), The Ministry was advised by two speakers of the CRC-TRR 141 Thomas Speck and Jan Knippers as to the extension of the Exhibition on Biomimetics touring since 2011 through Baden-Wurttemberg and adjacent states. In 2016/2017 two new exhibits related to the projects running in the CRC-TRR 141 were produced and integrated in the biomimetics exhibition presenting the Fectofin® a biomimetic façade shading system inspired by the bird of paradise flower, and a Wood Pavilion inspired by the arrangement and interconnection of skeleton plates in sea urchins. Link